3 Ways to Redirect your Dog with Generalized Reactivity


Dog reactivity is one of the leading issues that I find clients come to me for. Little do most dog owners know, our dogs react and show signs they will react well before a vocal response. Dogs are born first with their nose and in weeks to come then eyes and ears. Instinctually dogs learn everything through their nose, but with us they learn things opposite. This is a pattern we need to change in order to stop their reactivity from evening happening.

Three Ways to Help Prevent your Dog from having a Reaction:

1: Use a positive interrupter.

I use the word yes, but it could be taco if you want. I build up the word so well that I know it is reliable in all/most settings. I want to see my dog is able to stop focus from something and pay attention in my direction. I use it to change my dog’s course of action, create a positive association, and to shape calmer behavior

2. Use yourself.

Be engaging. Welcome them with your body language by becoming inviting. Practice this in no then low distractions and work your way up. Do not assume you are fun if you being fun only happens when your dog is reacting. That’s not fun. Also, practice being engaging without so many words. Get low and get moving.

3. Support them through the leash.

I cannot stress this enough. Having leash work down (1 of 3 of my fundamentals) in moments of calm will translate to moments where your dog is having a tougher time. More often than not your leash currently means tension to your dog, encouraging reactions from them.


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